Triennale Milano
2024 Theater Season. LEGACY: 50 Years of Theater
October 8 – December 17 2024

La vegetariana © Andrea Pizzalis

Theater Season 2024 is a tribute to the history of CRT Centro di Ricerca per il Teatro on the 50th anniversary of its founding. Triennale Milano took up its legacy, transforming it, ten years ago. The Season is a snapshot capable of capturing the spirit that has traversed its history, giving voice to the present and future associate artists who represent it today.
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©️ Ryutaro Tsukata

TOTENTANZ Morgen ist Die Frage

Marcos Morau / La Veronal
October 8 2024
Marcos Morau and his dance company La Veronal revisit the Dance of Death through a site-specific performance specially created for the Triennale Milano spaces.

Courtesy mk

PANORAMIC BANANA Album degli abitanti del Nuovo Mondo

Michele Di Stefano / mk
October 18 – 20, 2024
The choreographer Michele Di Stefano has created a kaleidoscope of dance and images immersed in a medley of sounds. A vibrant show that takes us on an exploration of new territories: it is a primordial call that brings out our wildest, deepest dimension.   

© Natália Trejbalová

I pianti e i lamenti dei pesci fossili

Annamaria Ajmone
October 24 – 26, 2024
A work of choreography that evokes, through a progressive stratification of bodily and vocal activities, the actual structure of the fossil.


La foresta trabocca

Antonio Tagliarini
November 14 – 16, 2024
Antonio Tagliarini dialogues with the poet and performer Gaia Ginevra Giorgi, in a sound-performance event that proposes a new vision of the concept of failure as a form of freedom.

© Andrea Macchia

U. (un canto)

Alessandro Sciarroni
November 22 – 24, 2024
Seven singers, with different training and vocal experiences, create a choreography of voices and silences. A hymn of hope and love that evokes the mystery of existence and the wonder of life.

© Andrea Pizzalis

La vegetariana

Daria Deflorian
November 27 – 29, 2024