On Thursday, 19 September, the exhibitions and the Palazzo close early at 6 pm. On Friday, September 20, we are exceptionally closed for the whole day.
Triennale Milano
© Natália Trejbalová

I pianti e i lamenti dei pesci fossili

Annamaria Ajmone
October 24 – 26, 2024
Running time 30'
On the boundary between organic and inorganic, between life and non-life, the fossil is a material and poetic testimony to the passing of time. This performance is sparked by these reflections to explore the possibilities of a connection between bodies and times that are immeasurably distant and different from each other. The performers, Annamaria Ajmone and Veza Fernandez, work on two interfaces: the skin, the membrane that connects the interior and exterior of the body, and the air, intercrossed by voices seeking a dialogue with other modes of existence. It is a work of choreography that evokes, through a progressive stratification of bodily and vocal activities, the actual structure of the fossil.
 Annamaria Ajmone is a dancer and choreographer. The focus of her work is the human body, a malleable and changeable matter. Her studies develop in a tentacular way, through different formats and durations. The performances are the result of a collective activity, created from encounters and debates in which it becomes difficult to identify the ownership of the artistic object. She presents her works at numerous dance, theater and performing arts festivals including Torino Danza (Turin), FOG (Milan) the Dance Biennale (Venice), Santarcangelo Festival, La casa encendida (Madrid), brut (Vienna), Bit-teatergarasje (Bergen), Palais de Tokyo (Paris), and far° festival et fabrique des arts vivants (Nyon). In 2015 she won the Premio Danza&Danza for “best emerging contemporary performer”. Together with artist Sara Leghissa, she created and organizes “Nobody's Indiscipline”, a platform for sharing artistic practices.
Do you have an Explorer, Insider or Supporter membership? Your guest gets in at a reduced rate or for free.
dance and voice: Annamaria Ajmone, Veza Maria Fernandez Wenger set and images: Natália Trejbalová  research and dramaturgical collaboration: Stella Succi  clothes: Fabio Quaranta  light design: Elena Vastano  sound set consulting: Attila Faravelli  web project: Giulia Polenta  organization: Francesca d'Apolito  distribution: Alessandra Simeoni  production: L'altra Association  co-production: Triennale Milano Teatro; Fondazione del Teatro Grande di Brescia; Festival Aperto/Fondazione i Teatri - Reggio Emilia; Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza Virgilio Sieni; Snaporazverein; Short Theatre  associated artist Triennale Teatro Milano 2021-2024 
  in collaboration with Dialogues - Performing Arts Residencies at Villa Manin 2022 - 2024; as part of the choreographic residencies project Lavanderia a Vapore; with the support of Primavera dei Teatri with the support of MiC - Ministry of Culture 


Thursday, October 24 2024, 7.30pm
Friday, October 25 2024, 7.30pm
Saturday, October 26 2024, 7.30pm

Archives and collection

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