Today, March 28, Cuore – Research, study and archives center is closed to the public.
Triennale Milano
Legal note

TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE OF THE WWW.TRIENNALE.ORG WEBSITE Before using the site, please read the following warnings carefully.
1) INTRODUCTION The www.triennale.org portal is designed for information purposes. Navigation on this website is governed by the terms of use set out below. Both business and private users who browse this site, and/or who register in order to obtain access to restricted areas, are subject, depending on the type of use (browsing or registration), to these general conditions and methods of use. Simply browsing this site constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. Users who do not agree with the Terms and Conditions and methods of use of this portal in their entirety, or who have not understood them, must not proceed any further with use of the www.triennale.org portal. Browsing the www.triennale.org portal is free of charge except for telephone or other costs required for connection to the Internet, which are payable by the User. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions: – the term “User” refers to the person using the services offered by the www.triennale.org website, whether this involves simply looking at the web pages and the information they contain, or interacting with it by leaving comments and/or using areas reserved for registered users; – the term “Data Controller” refers unambiguously to the Fondazione La Triennale di Milano, Viale Alemagna 6, 20121 Milan, Italy, in the person of its pro-tempore legal representative; – with regard to these Terms and Conditions and to the Terms of Use of the Community, the terms “portal”, “site” and “website” shall be considered as synonyms. The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes, even of a substantial nature, at any time to these terms of use, informing users of such changes through publication on this site. Any subsequent access to said changes implies full acceptance by the User of the new conditions of use. The text below includes terms that are purely IT-related, commonly recognised and unambiguous and that, in the absence of expressions to the contrary, are assumed to be known and understood by the User.
2) USER’S OBLIGATIONS The User who browses this Portal must ensure that they are equipped with essential computer security protection (e.g. anti-virus, firewall, etc.) The User is obliged to make use of this website and the services offered by the Data Controller in precise, constant compliance with the law, with public order and morality (including the customary rules of so-called Netiquette) and with the rules laid out in these Terms and Conditions. Any User who causes harm to the Data Controller by violating these Terms and Conditions or by violating laws, regulations or similar rules, will be required to compensate the Data Controller in the appropriate courts of law. In all cases, the User is expressly forbidden to: a) disclose any unlawful, slanderous, defamatory, abusive, threatening, vulgar or obscene material; b) transmit any material that encourages conduct that is contrary to applicable laws, codes of conduct and suchlike; c) make unauthorised access to other computer networks, interfere with the use of the websites by third parties, violate any law or regulation concerning the use of public telecommunications networks; d) interfere with or in any way damage or restrict networks or websites linked to the websites; e) make, transmit or store digital copies of materials owned by the Fondazione La Triennale without prior authorisation; f) add links to the www.triennale.org portal on personal or business sites without prior authorisation.
3) USE OF THE PORTAL: REGISTRATION ON THE WEBSITE AND CONDITIONS FOR USE OF THE COMMUNITY To use the services of the Portal, to access all the areas of the site, and to interact with all its content, including those uploaded by other registered persons, the User must register on the www.triennale.org website, carrying out the pre-registration process. To register on the portal, the User must be aged 18 years or over and must be in possession of the faculties required by law to undertake commercial actions and to sign contracts. When registering, the User must enter their personal data, making sure that the information provided is true and complete; the User will also be asked to create a User ID and password, which are to be considered as confidential and personal. Once the account is activated, the User will be required to use both the account and the password in a correct and lawful manner, making sure to log out before leaving the website in order to protect the information that has been inserted. The User must keep the password for the account with due care and attention. In case of loss/theft of their credentials, users must immediately change their password using the “Forgot your password?” recovery function, ensuring absolute secrecy: all manifestations of will, and all actions and deeds with legal consequences made by the User’s account will be attributed to the User. Any changes in the data provided must be made by updating the personal profile: in the event of any modification and/or addition of personal data, the User is obliged to ensure that all information provided is true. The User agrees not to access restricted areas if they are not the true and lawful owner of the access credentials. The User may cancel their account at any time. Cancellation decided by the User or cancellation/suspension by the Data Controller will not affect any previously acquired rights and obligations. The Data Controller has the right to suspend or cancel the User’s registration at any time, and at its own discretion, in the case of violation of these Terms and Conditions.
4) USE OF THE PORTAL: SOCIAL NETWORKS Users registered on social networks (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) who intend to share comments, tweets, photos or videos on the Data Controller’s social pages accept that such messages/uploads are also shared on this portal. Users who interact with the Data Controller’s social pages must respect the rules of conduct and conditions of use of the service as dictated by the manager of the social pages. In any case, any uploads of files, links, images, messages, etc. must respect the prohibition of any harassing, threatening, defamatory, offensive, obscene, or objectionable expressions. By uploading any of the above formats, the User assumes full liability for the content they contain.
The Data Controller’s obligations, guarantees of service and disclaimers The Data Controller undertakes to provide the User access to this website and to the services it offers, as well as the communication tools (e.g. social pages) connected to it, ensuring its implementation compatibly with the current state of development of computer tools. The services provided do not include the provision of a computer or other equipment required for accessing the site. The internet connection is payable by the User. The site is made available without any form of guarantee or special licence and the User who accesses it assumes all risks associated with the use of the Internet and IT applications (including hardware and software). The Data Controller is therefore not liable for any damage and/or loss and/or malfunction and/or detriment of any kind which may affect the User’s computer due to use of the service provided by the Data Controller, nor for any contamination of the User’s computer system caused by access, interconnection or downloading of materials and computer programs from the website (e.g. viruses, malware). Any related costs of repair/recovery shall therefore be borne by the User. In particular, the Data Controller declines any responsibility for: a) incompatibility of the site with the User’s equipment, software, and/or telecommunication links; b) technical problems, including site errors and interruptions; c) attacks sustained by the User while browsing (e.g. viruses, malware) d) damage to the equipment/software used by the User for browsing; The Data Controller assumes no responsibility for any content published on this site by the User or by third parties, for the use that the User or third parties may make of it, or for the relevance, correctness or quality of the information provided via the site by the User or by third parties. The Data Controller also reserves the right to modify, add or delete parts of the website, without prior notice, as well as the right to temporarily or indefinitely suspend its publication, in whole or in part. The Data Controller is not responsible for any use of this website or for any services, offered on it by the User or by any third party, that are in violation of the law, morality or public order, or that may contravene the provisions set out in these conditions for use. At its own discretion, the Data Controller may use links to third-party websites to make their services available to users (e.g. “Give an Exhibition”). The Data Controller does not, however, have any control over the links to these websites and their content, nor is it responsible for the content – which may be illegal – of any such sites which may be directly or indirectly linked. Only the manager of the page to which the link refers is responsible for any illegal, incorrect or incomplete content on said page and, in particular, for any damage that may arise from the use or non-use of the information it contains. On the contrary, the Data Controller, which simply puts a link to another website on its own website, is in no way responsible for the content of the other website. Access to the site may be subject to temporary interruptions due to repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new instruments and services. The Data Controller undertakes to restore the service as quickly as possible.
5) PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA AND USE OF COOKIES Submission by the User of their own personal data (e.g. name, surname, e-mail address) is regulated in accordance with Italian Decree Law no. 196/2003. In general, data is submitted freely and voluntarily by the user of the website. Even so, please refer to the Privacy Policy on this website and to the Cookie Policy which governs the use of cookies by this website.
6) INDUSTRIAL AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS This website is protected by industrial property and copyright laws in Italy. All content on this website, such as – by way of illustration only – text, images, graphics, icons, logos, trademarks, digital downloads, data collections, software, videos and data sheets is the exclusive property of the Data Controller, or of partners or third parties who have authorised the Data Controller to use such content. Use of this website does not provide for the issuance of licences or permits for use on the site of content in the form of graphics, icons, logos, images, digital downloads, data compilations, software, videos, and fact sheets (the list is by way of example only and is not exclusive). The User is forbidden to copy, publish, distribute, transmit, save, duplicate, reproduce, forward, and/or otherwise make available, anything that is published on the website, except in cases where this is expressly authorised by the site.
7) APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION Italian law is applicable to relationships arising from use of this website and use of the services offered. The General Conditions for Use set forth herein shall be interpreted in the light of and in accordance with the Italian legislation in force. In the event of a breach of the Conditions for Use by the User, the Data Controller will have the right to resort to legal proceedings to protect its rights in accordance with the applicable laws. Use of the services provided by the Data Controller through the website is not authorised in any jurisdiction that does not recognise the validity of all the provisions of the present Conditions for Use.
8) FINAL PROVISIONS The premises constitute an integral part of the General Conditions of Use of this Portal. These legal notices constitute an integral part of the site on which they are published. Any nullity, invalidity, whether total or partial, of the individual parts of these legal notices will not deprive the remaining parts of the same legal notices of their validity or effectiveness. For anything not expressly indicated in these legal notices, please refer to the provisions of the Italian Civil Code and the regulations in force throughout Italy, including all regulations and other acts with regulatory effect.
Updated: JANUARY 2015