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Triennale Milano
© Giorgio Termini

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Antonio Tagliarini, Gaia Ginevra Giorgi
November 15 – 16, 2024
Running time: 2 days (from 10 am to 1 pm) Free workshop for a maximum of 15 participants. To apply, please fill in the registration form by 12:00 pm of November 11, 2024.
Dance, sound and writing, between improvisation, editing, and new dramaturgies: Antonio Tagliarini and Gaia Ginevra Giorgi lead an intensive workshop aimed at young creators, authors, performers, dancers, actors, and sound designers. The starting point for these two days of research is the reflections that queer theorist Jack Halberstam has opened around the concept of failure in his book L'arte queer del fallimento (Minimum Fax, 2022), basis of the dramaturgical writing of the performance La foresta trabocca. How can we produce dramaturgical materials, starting from improvisational practices, that, when combined and layered, can open up new spaces and temporalities? The workshop aims to imagine a porous and inhabitable scene, where the inside informs the outside and vice versa.
Antonio Tagliarini trained in the fields of contemporary dance and performing arts, which strongly influenced the artist’s relationship with stagecraft. He went on to study and explore the art of theater in its stricter sense. He has written and performed in various shows and performances that he has presented at festivals in Italy and abroad (winning the first prize for best show at the BE Festival in Birmingham in 2014). He is the co-author of various performance projects (with Miguel Pereira, Idoia Zabaleta, Ambra Senatore and Rimini Protokoll), and works as a performer with some of the leading figures in Italian theater. In 2007 he met Daria Deflorian and thus began an intense artistic collaboration that led to the creation of multi-award-winning theater projects in Italy and abroad (the Premio Ubu 2014 for innovation in the theater, the Critics’ Award 2015 for best foreign production in Quebec, Canada, the Premio Riccione 2019 for innovation in the theater, and the Premio Hystrio 2021 for best stage play). Antonio Tagliarini also teaches on training and tutoring projects.

Archives and collection

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