© Béla Varadi, Family, Ciganhegy, Hungary
Rom & Sinti
Motherland Otherland
May 13 – November 9 2025
Tickets on sale soon
Małgorzata Mirga-Tas and Sead Kazanxhiu, world-wide renowned artist with a Roma perspective, showcase Motherland Otherland. In exploring the essence of a home and questions of housing, they present a unique mix of individual pieces, in various physical scale, materials and visual languages. This with contributing performances and visual art by Luna de Rosa, Béla Varadi, Noell Maggini, Miguel Fiorello Lebbiati and a video installation portraying the Village of Roses, in southern Milan, threatened by eviction in the very course of the Exhibition.
International participation part of the 24th International Exhibition Inequalities.
Promoted by: European Roma Institute of Arts and Culture (ERIAC) and UNAR
Curated by: Dijana Pavloviç Hanna Heilborn
Commissioned by: Movimento Kethane