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Triennale Milano

The design of the space

1933 - 2024

The design of the space reveals once more the original architecture designed by Giovanni Muzio in 1933 and is part of a pathway to development and restoration involving the whole of the Palazzo dell’Arte.

Photo by Delfino Sisto Legnani, DSL Studio
A light system to enhance the Palace of Art, merging technology and cultural heritage”.
Andrea Nava, CEO ERCO Italia

Photo by Delfino Sisto Legnani, DSL Studio
Photo by Delfino Sisto Legnani, DSL Studio
The gallery in 1933, © Triennale Milano – Archives
Ecological Panel® in raw version recall the naturalness of recycled wood in its purest essence”.
Alessandro Saviola, President of Saviola Group
The adaptable and flexible display modules are composed of metal and glass, following the logic of sustainability that animates the entire project”.
Carlo Molteni, Chief Executive Officer UniFor

The project – entrusted to AR.CH.IT Luca Cipelletti – paid special attention to the architectural enhancement of the space with the recovery of the perspective vanishing point that, from the atrium of the Palazzo, allows the gaze to reach the large helicoidal staircase designed by Giovanni Muzio.
The intervention included the upgrading of the plant elements, the refurbishment of the fixtures and the horizontal upper closure with glass-cement panels.
As the needs related to the use of the space change, the modular elements of the exhibition system can be easily reconfigured to accommodate archival material, study spaces, meeting areas, and analog and digital exhibits dedicated to specific themes.

Photo by Melania Dalle Grave, DSL Studio
Photo by Melania Dalle Grave, DSL Studio
Photo by Melania Dalle Grave, DSL Studio
Photo by Melania Dalle Grave, DSL Studio

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Coming back to life is Triennale research Center, which carries out scholarly and academic studies and research on central issues of our present and develops innovative projects and services.
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A unique view of our institution's cultural heritage and historical memory, from design to art, architecture to theater, graphics to photography.
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