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Triennale Milano
Marco D'Agostin, First Love, foto by Alice Brazzit

Habit is a wonderful thing

October 6 2020
“We break away from all conventions, but we still want to say that there are beautiful habits to rediscover. The habit of relationships, for example, between stage and audience, between theatre and the city, winning back an audience whose fears, confusions and desires should be understood. [...] Space, duration and the very idea of staging and performance will need to be rethought from a creative point of view.”
Umberto Angelini, Artistic Director of Triennale Milano Teatro

We break away from all conventions, but we still want to say that there are beautiful habits to rediscover. The habit of relationships, for example, between stage and audience, between theatre and the city, winning back an audience whose fears, confusions and desires should be understood. [...] Space, duration and the very idea of staging and performance will need to be rethought from a creative point of view.
Umberto Angelini, Artistic Director of Triennale Milano Teatro
Barokthegreat, GHOST We are the idiots, photo by Rolf Arnold
Barokthegreat, GHOST We are the idiots, photo by Rolf Arnold
Presenting ground-breaking and fascinating expressions of contemporary theatre, music and dance since 2018, the Triennale Milano performing arts festival will start again on 6 October. This third edition, opening after a stressful months-long national lockdown, marks a new beginning for the Triennale theatre. Seventeen events including shows, performances, films and concerts will be scheduled from October to December. The autumn calendar is an opportunity to rediscover new formats and experiment with an interesting combination of expressive languages, giving space to young artists as well to great masters in theatre and performing arts.

Postponing a performance, in the uncertainty of our current times, also means rethinking our vision, as well as giving a sense of our own necessity. (Re)programming a possible future for the theatre during these suspended times means focusing in particular on the Italian scene (and an arrivederci to many foreign artists until next spring). Regaining a relationship with the public, who have their own desires and fears. Re-inhabiting a space of interaction and contact, while socially distanced in an atmosphere of effervescent expectation. FOG appears, still with its own uncertainties, as an unstable, molecular vision that aims to convey a possible presence, testifying to the urgency and irrepressible vitality of the human body.
Umberto Angelini
Barokthegreat, GHOST We are the idiots, photo by Rolf Arnold
"Postponing a performance, in the uncertainty of our current times, also means rethinking our vision, as well as giving a sense of our own necessity. (Re)programming a possible future for the theatre during these suspended times means focusing in particular on the Italian scene (and an arrivederci to many foreign artists until next spring). Regaining a relationship with the public, who have their own desires and fears. Re-inhabiting a space of interaction and contact, while socially distanced in an atmosphere of effervescent expectation. FOG appears, still with its own uncertainties, as an unstable, molecular vision that aims to convey a possible presence, testifying to the urgency and irrepressible vitality of the human body."
Umberto Angelini
Annamaria Ajmone, NO RAMA, photo by Luca del Pia

As the theatre’s artistic director, it is my interest to develop critical thinking and new perspectives on contemporary society, addressing topical issues, today's social and political changes, expectations about the future and new generations, environmental sustainability and social inclusion, making Triennale Milano Teatro an important mouthpiece for cultural, historical and social issues. Not just a place for shows, but a place for discussion and an interesting vantage point on change.
Umberto Angelini
“As the theatre’s artistic director, it is my interest to develop critical thinking and new perspectives on contemporary society, addressing topical issues, today's social and political changes, expectations about the future and new generations, environmental sustainability and social inclusion, making Triennale Milano Teatro an important mouthpiece for cultural, historical and social issues. Not just a place for shows, but a place for discussion and an interesting vantage point on change."
Umberto Angelini

Jan Fabre, The Night Writer. Giornale Notturno, photo by Phil Griffin
Margherita Mauro, Michele Rho, Come Out! Stonewall Revolution, photo by Lorenza Daverio
Luigi De Angelis, Michele Di Stefano, Lorenzo Gleijeses, Corcovado, photo by Tomaso Le Pera
Masterclass di Deflorian/Tagliarini, photo by Luca Del Pia
Alongside the main shows, Triennale Milano Teatro will offer its Public Program EXTRA events again this year, with workshops, masterclasses and meetings to get to know the artists featured in FOG and discuss today’s major topics together with the audience. We will talk about the Stonewall riots with historians and scholars; we will explore the textural potential of space with Trickster-p; we will discover the secrets of drama with the Deflorian/Tagliarini duo and the secrets of being an actor with Lino Musella.
Cover photo: Marco D'Agostin, First Love, photo by Alice Brazzit