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Triennale Milano
Courtesy Trickster-p

The game

April 3 – 7, 2024
Wednesday at 7.30 pm; Thursday to Sunday at 4 and 7.30 pm Running time 110’
In The game the multi-award winning Swiss duo Trickster-p, forever open to innovative research and experimentation, simulates the rules of our society and its relationship with money. Catapulted onto a small island, the participants, organized in teams, will need to decide the principles upon which to divide a plot of land, with the aim of boosting their resources through targeted strategies. The players will be able to experience the dynamics of our contemporary world, the relationship between free will and social conditioning, developing possible collective approaches to produce change.
Trickster-p, born from the encounter of Cristina Galbiati and Ilija Luginbühl, is an artistic research project that moves in a territory of boundary and contamination between different languages. After an initial phase focused on the centrality and physicality of the performer, over the years Trickster-p has moved away from the concept of theater in the strict sense to investigate possible transversal expressive signs that are the result of the mixture of heterogeneous artistic tools. Their performances and installations have been represented in over thirty countries.
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In collaboration with: Casa degli Artisti Performance in Italian
creation: Trickster-p concept and realization: Cristina Galbiati, Ilija Luginbühl artistic collaboration: Maria Da Silva, Yves Regenass game design collaboration: Pietro Polsinelli original sound space: Zeno Gabaglio external eye: Martina Mutzner graphics and exhibition consulting: Studio CCRZ production: Trickster-p, LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura co-production: ROXY Birsfelden, Theater Casino Zug, Theater Chur, Theater Stadelhofen Zürich, TAK Theater Liechtenstein, Triennale Milano Teatro in collaboration with: Casa degli Artisti - Milan with the support of: Pro Helvetia - Swiss Arts Council, DECS Republic and Canton of Ticino - Swisslos Fund, City of Lugano, Municipality of Novazzano


Wednesday, April 3 2024, 7.30pm
Thursday, April 4 2024, 4.00pm
Thursday, April 4 2024, 7.30pm
Friday, April 5 2024, 4.00pm
Friday, April 5 2024, 7.30pm
Saturday, April 6 2024, 4.00pm
Saturday, April 6 2024, 7.30pm
Sunday, April 7 2024, 4.00pm
Sunday, April 7 2024, 7.30pm

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