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Triennale Milano
© Achille Mauri
Performance online

Il Segreto - Chronicles from NO RAMA

Annamaria Ajmone
December 4 2020, 8.00pm
At the center of the performance by Annamaria Ajmone, associate artist of Triennale Milano Teatro for the three-year period 2020-2022, is the body as a malleable and ever-changing material. Il Segreto is a choreographic action for a performer and three Rose Spinners: rotating sound machines imagined and created with Francesco Cavaliere. The elements on stage alternate, mix and overlap without excluding each other, they coexist and give life to an ecosystem that is geographically close, open, earthly, indeterminate, multi-time, in which the human becomes multiform and alien. The dance composes and decomposes continuously, giving the impression that the body always assumes different forms and is composed of new substances, aligning or moving away from the elements that make up the scene.
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Annamaria Ajmone is a dancer and choreographer; she holds a degree in Modern Liberal Arts from Milan’s Università Statale and a diploma from Milan’s Civica Scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi. As a dancer, she has performed for Alias Compagnie, Ariella Vidach, Daniele Ninarello, Santasangre, Cristina Kristal Rizzo, Mithkal Alzghair, Moritz Ostruschnjak. As a choreographer, she has presented her work in several dance, theatre and performance festivals, museums, art galleries and hybrid spaces in Europe, Asia, North Africa and USA. She collaborates with other artists on interdisciplinary projects, including Caned Icoda, Palm wine, Muta Imago, Strasse, Jacopo Miliani. In 2015 she was awarded the Danza&Danza prize for “best emerging performers”. She is one of the organisers of Nobody's Business in Italy, a platform for the exchange of artistic practices. Her projects include: Tiny (2014 DNA prize); Arcipelago, a choreographic project for non-theatre spaces; Mash with the Chilean choreographer Marcela Santander Corvalan; TO BE BANNED FROM ROME realised with the musician Bienoise; ATTIKA, with the company Industria Indipendente. 
Annamaria Ajmone is an associated artist of Triennale Milano Teatro for the period 2020-2022
By: Annamaria Ajmone With: Annamaria Ajmone, Marta Capaccioli, Lucrezia Palandri Music and sound diffusion systems: Francesco Cavaliere Costumes: Jules Goldsmith Lighting and technical direction: Giulia Pastore Curated by: Francesca d’Apolito Produced by: Cab 008 Coproduced by: Teatro Metastasio (Prato) and FOG Triennale Milano Performing Arts With the support of: L’Arboreto – Teatro Dimora (Mondaino), Armunia / Festival Inequilibrio, Centro nazionale di produzione / Virgilio Sieni, spazioK.Kinkaleri, Azienda Speciale Palaexpo - Mattatoio | Progetto PrendersiCura With the support of: Regione Toscana, MiBACT and City of Florence  The project has received funds from: ResiDance XL residence places and projects for choreographic creations, Rete Anticorpi XL / Network Giovane Danza D’autore coordinated by L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora (Mondaino) Photo by: Achille Mauri


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