Today, March 28, Cuore – Research, study and archives center is closed to the public.
Triennale Milano
© Gianluca Di Ioia
Direction and choreography: Nicola Galli
With: Alessandra Fabbri, Nicola Galli, Paolo Soloperto
Music: Edgard Varèse (Un grand sommeil noir, Poème électronique, Déserts, Ionisation, Density 21.5.)
Texts freely inspired by the writings of: Edgard Varèse, Alice Miller, Gilles Clément, Marcel Proust
Scenography: Giulio Mazzacurati
Videos and costumes: Nicola Galli
Production: Fondazione Musica per Roma, TIR Danza, Fondazione Teatro Grande di Brescia, stereopsis
With the collaboration of: L’arboreto - Teatro Dimora di Mondaino, Teatro Petrella di Longiano
Artistic residence: L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora di Mondaino, Teatro Petrella (Longiano), Kilowatt Festival
With the support of: H(abita)t – Rete di Spazi per la Danza / Leggere Strutture Art Factory
With the contribution of NEXT Regione Lombardia
Winning project of the Premio Equilibrio 2018

Deserto digitale

Nicola Galli
April 17 2019, 9.00pm
The performance contains nude scenes. Duration: 60'
Deserto digitale is a choreographic composition dedicated to the revolutionary music of ‪Edgard Varèse and inspired by the piece Déserts. The composer’s experimental research is at the core of the performance, conceived as a visual and dream-like ritual between suspension, violence and catharsis. “If I say ‘desert’, what do your eyes see?” The spectators are met by this question and are then led on a sensorial journey that explores the desert as a boundless space and an existential condition. A surreal atmosphere, inhabited by gestures, sounds and colours, emanates from the space, leading three human figures on a journey of discovery of the introspective nature of the human spirit. The visionary and evocative landscape created by Galli portrays emotions in their silent rebellion. 
Nicola Galli is engaged in bodily research through choreography, performance, installation and graphic-visual design. From agonistic gymnastics, Galli moved to physical theatre and dance by training at Teatro Nucleo di Ferrara. He studied contemporary dance, Renaissance dance, hip hop and muscle alignment (Metodo Monari). Since 2010 he has developed his choreographic research on the concept of pure form and the notions of layering and landscape. Between Dal 2010 and 2014 he danced for the company CollettivO CineticO. Since 2014 he has had the support of TIR Danza. His works have been selected for national and international festivals and platforms, including Vetrina della Giovane Danza d’Autore 2012 and 2015 (Network Anticorpi XL), Nid Platform 2015 (Brescia), International Festival D-Caf (Cairo), Tanzmesse 2016 (Dusseldörf).
Creation dedicated to the musical research of Edgard Varèse
Direction and choreography: Nicola Galli
With: Alessandra Fabbri, Nicola Galli, Paolo Soloperto
Music: Edgard Varèse (Un grand sommeil noir, Poème électronique, Déserts, Ionisation, Density 21.5.)
Texts freely inspired by the writings of: Edgard Varèse, Alice Miller, Gilles Clément, Marcel Proust
Scenography: Giulio Mazzacurati
Videos and costumes: Nicola Galli
Production: Fondazione Musica per Roma, TIR Danza, Fondazione Teatro Grande di Brescia, stereopsis
With the collaboration of: L’arboreto - Teatro Dimora di Mondaino, Teatro Petrella di Longiano
Artistic residence: L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora di Mondaino, Teatro Petrella (Longiano), Kilowatt Festival
With the support of: H(abita)t – Rete di Spazi per la Danza / Leggere Strutture Art Factory
With the contribution of NEXT Regione Lombardia
Winning project of the Premio Equilibrio 2018

Archives and collection

Lampadario "carciofo" di Poul Henningsen, nella sezione della Danimarca
Lampadario "carciofo" di Poul Henningsen, nella sezione della Danimarca
Caleidoscopio nella Sezione introduttiva a carattere internazionale, nel Salone d'onore
Caleidoscopio nella Sezione introduttiva a carattere internazionale, nel Salone d'onore
Mostra sugli Studi delle proporzioni, allestimento dell'architetto Francesco Gnecchi-Ruscone, esposto nella mostra Studi sulle proporzioni
Mostra sugli Studi delle proporzioni, allestimento dell'architetto Francesco Gnecchi-Ruscone, esposto nella mostra Studi sulle proporzioni
Installazione luminosa "Luce spaziale" di Lucio Fontana sul soffitto dello Scalone d’onore. Nel vestibolo del primo piano, decorazione parietale di Bruno Cassinari
Installazione luminosa "Luce spaziale" di Lucio Fontana sul soffitto dello Scalone d’onore. Nel vestibolo del primo piano, decorazione parietale di Bruno Cassinari