Triennale Milano
Silhouette Tailleur Nanette in PVC specchio, 2002 (di Bianca e Blu). Poetica del semplice. Moda e design secondo Monica Bolzoni/Bianca e Blu, La Galleria Nazionale. GNAM. Photo by Adriano Mura, 2021

Monica Bolzoni The Module

October 25 2024 – January 12 2025
Admission with ticket for the Museo del Design Italiano
The language of Monica Bolzoni, a designer of clothing and accessories, is distinguished for its exploration of the feminine. The exhibition highlights certain aspects of the designer’s work, such as her design method—reflected not only in her garments and accessories but also in the graphics and packaging—the relationship between materials and forms and her look at contemporary culture—elements common to both fashion and the tradition of interior design and architecture. The exhibition focuses on a selection of garments and accessories chosen to exemplify the main themes and concepts of her creations. Among these are uniforms, collective cultural references reinterpreted in the language of fashion; avant-garde, technological and innovative materials such as techno jersey, PVC and nylon used in the 80s and 90s; and color.
The project is presented in the Design Platform, the exhibition space linked to the Museo del Design Italiano and devoted to the exploration of key themes and figures in contemporary design, and is part of the initiatives of our new fashion department, which is responsible for studying, exhibiting and enhancing archives and heritages related to fashion and promoting educational paths in dialogue with schools and universities.
Curated by: Marco Sammicheli and Anna Di Cesare Exhibition design: Paolo Giacomazzi
The exhibition is coupled with Triennale Milano's acquisition of garments from Monica Bolzoni's Bianca e Blu Archive.

Archives and collection

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Una modella posa all'interno della Mostra di oggetti per la casa (o Mostra Oggetti d'uso), nel Padiglione USA progettato dagli architetti Lodovico Barbiano di Belgiojoso, Enrico Peressutti e Ernesto Nathan Rogers
Veduta della Torre Littoria
Veduta della Torre Littoria
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Tre modelle percorrono il Ponte che collega il Palazzo dell'Arte con l'area verde antistante, progetto degli architetti Aldo Rossi e Luca Meda
Modella posa nella sezione del Messico durante un servizio fotografico di moda
Modella posa nella sezione del Messico durante un servizio fotografico di moda