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Triennale Milano
Nina Freeman, frame of Nonno's Legend, courtesy the artist

Hidden Technology

October 28 2022, 6.30pm
Free entry
We present the second event in the series of conversations, in collaboration with Smeg, dedicated to three themes of contemporary design: popularity, technology and durability. In this meeting on hidden technology, the theme is explored through a dialogue between American game designer Nina Freeman (Star Maid Games) and set designer and theater director Fabio Cherstich. A conversation that compares the creation of fictional universes, between real and digital. The meeting is moderated by Marco Sammicheli, Director of Museo del Design Italiano di Triennale, who will also involve in the discussion the designers Raffaella Mangiarotti and Matteo Bazzicalupo, founders of the deepdesign® studio, and creators of Smeg's small appliances collection.
Nina Freeman, game designer, has created for Game Collection Vol. 2, part of the 23rd Triennale Milano International Exhibition, Nonno's Legend, an interactive work in which one can dismantle and reassemble the world.
Fabio Cherstich is among the most acclaimed emerging theater directors for his ability to mix contemporary languages, technology and design, and has theatrical productions in Italy and abroad to his credit.
Matteo Bazzicalupo and Raffaella Mangiarotti with deepdesign® develop evolutionary projects for companies internationally in a wide range of sectors, from food packaging to consumer electronics, from furniture to cosmetics, from cookware to household appliances including the iconic collection of small appliances for Smeg.
Event in collaboration with Smeg.

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