© Gilco
Gilco 100 road bike Centenary of Gilberto Colombo
June 3 – 12, 2022
Project by Jasper Morrison and Fabrice Domercq
Jasper Morrison and Fabrice Domercq celebrate the centenary of the legendary Gilberto Colombo who amongst other achievements produced some of the most revered bicycle tubing and frame sets, establishing the reputation of brands such as Cinelli and Colnago.
Working closely with his company Gilco, who to this day still produce some of the worlds finest tubing on the outskirts of Milan, Fabrice and Jasper selected the high performance longitudinally reinforced Hinox tubing to create a one-off celebratory bike.
With specially developed internal lugs and a hybrid adhesive and welded construction, a beguiling simplicity has been achieved that celebrates the past and future of steel in bicycles.
Free entry