The theater is temporarily not accessibile by elevator. To avoid the stairs, enter through the park gate, in Viale Alemagna.
Triennale Milano
Desired Spaces by Victor Selle, Paducah, 2020
Conferenza online

A New European Bauhaus Belgium

March 17 2021, 6.00pm
The event is held in English
The online meeting, moderated by Marco Sammicheli, Superintendent of Museo del Design Italiano and International Relations Chief Officer of Triennale Milano, will be introduced by Cécile Flagothier, economic Advisor-Representative Wallonie-Bruxelles International in Italy, and Geert De Proost, Advisor-General Representative of the Flemish Community and the Region of Flanders. The event will involve Audrey Contesse, director of the Institut culturel d’architecture Wallonie-Brussels, Nikolaus Hirsch, artistic director of the CIVA in Brussels, Sofie De Caigny, director of VAI - Vlaams Architectuurinstituut and Bas Smets, landscape architect.
A cycle of digital conferences, born from a project of the European Commission, in which Curators, Designers, Scholars and Museum Directors from European countries will reflect on the themes of design, architecture, demography, new technologies and renewable energy to share ideas and proposals at a very delicate moment in European and world history.
Cover: Desired Spaces by Victor Selle, Paducah, 2020 Promoted by: Triennale Milano, Wallonie-Bruxelles International in Italia, Comunità Fiamminga e della Regione delle Fiandre

Archives and collection

Veduta notturna del Palazzo dell'Arte ripreso dalla Torre Lsittoria
Veduta notturna del Palazzo dell'Arte ripreso dalla Torre Lsittoria
Interno del Tunnel Pneu, progetto di Jonathan De Pas, Donato D’urbino e Paolo Lomazzi
Interno del Tunnel Pneu, progetto di Jonathan De Pas, Donato D’urbino e Paolo Lomazzi
Mostra sugli Studi delle proporzioni, allestimento dell'architetto Francesco Gnecchi-Ruscone, esposto nella mostra Studi sulle proporzioni
Mostra sugli Studi delle proporzioni, allestimento dell'architetto Francesco Gnecchi-Ruscone, esposto nella mostra Studi sulle proporzioni
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Sculture piramidali di Lynn Chadwick, nell’allestimento del Grande numero: l’intervento figurativo a grande scala