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Triennale Milano
Photo by Ekansh Saxena and Travis Jones, Unsplash

Euro-visions 2024 Dribbling between soccer, the Euro, music and culture

June 20 2024, 7.30pm – 11.00pm
Free admission upon registration
Our Garden's meetings to watch the 2024 European Football Championship together begin. The screening of the match between Spain and Italy is anticipated by a talk hosted by Franco Piantanida and Carlo Pastore, during which the discussion starts from Totti's "spoon" at the 2000 European Championships, which has become an extra-sports symbol, an icon of style, something that remains beyond victory and defeat, beyond sport. A meme ante litteram, where meme means an element transmitted by imitation. A dialogue about genius, creativity and insights from music to soccer, through traditional and social storytelling. Instants that become eternal.
Guests Monica Bertini (journalist and Mediaset host); Bello Figo (singer); ⁠Filosofia Coatta (Giulio Armeni)
Moderators Carlo Pastore (artistic director MI AMI); Frank Piantanida (journalist SportMediaset)
Music Marchettini

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