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Triennale Milano
La Parola, installation view, foto Gianluca Di Ioia, © Triennale MIlano

Ettore Sottsass. La Parola (The Word)

January 20 – September 17 2023
After the first two exhibitions Struttura e colore (Structure and Color) and Il calcolo (Calculation) devoted to Ettore Sottsass, the third project focuses on the varied, constant and multiple use of the Word that characterizes the architect and designer’s production. The exhibition includes a selection of drawings, objects, writings and unpublished works that together create a visual and literary anthology that reflect the essence of Sottsass’s original narrative vein. Lists, descriptions, confessions, diaries, comments, stories, magazines, manifestos, fanzines, articles, speeches, conferences and reviews reveal the great diversity of forms in which the word appears in the artist's work.
Curated by Marco Sammicheli, Director of Museo del Design Italiano di Triennale Milano With Barbara Radice and Iskra Grisogono of Studio Sottsass Art direction by Christoph Radl


La Parola, installation view, foto Gianluca Di Ioia, © Triennale MIlano
La Parola, installation view, foto Gianluca Di Ioia, © Triennale MIlano
La Parola, installation view, foto Gianluca Di Ioia, © Triennale MIlano

Archives and collection

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Veduta notturna del Palazzo dell'Arte ripreso dalla Torre Littoria
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Ingresso principale sul fronte ovest del Palazzo dell'Arte
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Lampadario "carciofo" di Poul Henningsen, nella sezione della Danimarca
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