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Triennale Milano
Courtesy Altroconsumo

Choose it loose or recyclable

May 17 – 18, 2024
Free admission, upon registration, from 11 am to 6 pm
An interactive and experiential journey organized by Altroconsumo as part of a project that promotes information and training of consumers, to raise their awareness regarding the reduction of packaging through reuse, recycling, ease of disposal and understanding labels. The path includes six workshops divided into three thematic areas: #DESIGN FOR RECYCLING; #DESIGN FOR RESPONSIBLE CHOICES e #DESIGN FOR FUTURE designes by students of the Advanced Design Course of Bologna University, within the Osservatorio Innovazione Packaging, integrated with thirty plastic finds arrived from the sea and collected on various Italian beaches by Archeoplastica. IlVespaio installs Precious Plastic machines, showing visitors the plastic packaging recycling process and actively involving them.
Let’s talk to: – Unibo, IlVespaio, re-Circle from 5 pm to 6 pm on Friday 17 May – Semiamo Sfuseria and IULM from 11 am to 12 pm on Saturday 18 May
Access subject to availability.
The activities are the result of a project by Altroconsumo, in collaboration with Triennale Milano, IlVespaio, Archeoplastica, Osservatorio Innovazione Packaging- Università di Bologna Funded by MIMIT. DM 6/5/2022 art. 5
The layout of the Hall of Honor was designed to be reused in the future and uses "Tacalì" joints made of recycled plastic, designed and self-produced by ilVespaio.

Archives and collection

Ingresso principale sul fronte ovest del Palazzo dell'Arte
Ingresso principale sul fronte ovest del Palazzo dell'Arte
Interno del Tunnel Pneu, progetto di Jonathan De Pas, Donato D’urbino e Paolo Lomazzi
Interno del Tunnel Pneu, progetto di Jonathan De Pas, Donato D’urbino e Paolo Lomazzi
Sculture piramidali di Lynn Chadwick, nell’allestimento del Grande numero: l’intervento figurativo a grande scala
Sculture piramidali di Lynn Chadwick, nell’allestimento del Grande numero: l’intervento figurativo a grande scala
Caleidoscopio nella Sezione introduttiva a carattere internazionale, nel Salone d'onore
Caleidoscopio nella Sezione introduttiva a carattere internazionale, nel Salone d'onore