Triennale Milano
© Andrea Pizzalis

Avremo ancora l’occasione di ballare insieme

April 20 – 23, 2022
The duo of authors, directors and performers Daria Deflorian and Antonio Tagliarini engage with Federico Fellini’s cinematic vision and with his deep exploration of human life. The result is a piece on coming together, dancing together, being a couple – on intimacy and dialogue. It is loosely based on Ginger e Fred starring Marcello Mastroianni and Giulietta Masina as Pippo e Amelia, an elderly couple of tap dancers. The title, “we will have another opportunity to dance together again”, reverses a line Amelia says to Pippo at the end of the film: “I don’t think we will have the opportunity to dance together again”. The work is also dedicated to all artists, to the masks they wear and to their unwavering commitment to “playing”.
Authors, directors and performers, Daria Deflorian and Antonio Tagliarini are Triennale Milano Teatro’s Associate Artists for the period 2022-2024. In 2008 they created Rewind. Between 2010 and 2011 they realised Progetto Reality, which led to the installation czeczy/cose (2011) and the performance Reality (2012), for which Deflorian was awarded the 2012 Ubu Prize as best leading actress. Ce ne andiamo per non darvi altre preoccupazioni (2013) won the 2014 Ubu Prize for best Italian new work and the 2016 Critics’ Prize in Quebec for best foreign work. For. In 2017 they began working on the project Antonioni/Red Desert. In 2020 they premiered their adaptation of Edouard Louis’s Who Killed My Father. The project Avremo ancora l'occasione di ballare insieme also includes the documentary film Siamo qui per provare, co-creato with Jacopo Quadri, to be released in 2022.
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Running time 90’ Performance in Italian with Italian and English surtitles
project: Daria Deflorian, Antonio Tagliarini loosely based on: the film Ginger e Fred by Federico Fellini performance, co-creation: Francesco Alberici, Martina Badiluzzi, Daria Deflorian, Monica Demuru, Antonio Tagliarini, Emanuele Valenti assistant director, assistant dramaturg: Andrea Pizzalis artistic consultant: Attilio Scarpellini lighting design: Gianni Staropoli, Giulia Pastore set design: Paola Villani sound design: Emanuele Pontecorvo costumes: Metella Raboni technical director: Giulia Pastore stage photography, video: Andrea Pizzalis administration, promotion: Giulia Galzigni / Parallèle management: Grazia Sgueglia running time: 1h40 thanks to: Lorenzo Grilli for tap dancing training and to ziamame for help with the costumes production: Associazione culturale A.D., Teatro di Roma – Teatro Nazionale, Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, Teatro Metastasio Prato co-production: Comédie de Genève, Odéon – Théâtre de l’Europe, Festival d’Automne à Paris, Théâtre populaire romand – Centre neuchâtelois des arts vivants, Théâtre Garonne – Scène européenne, Centre dramatique national Besançon Franche-Comté with the support of: Interreg France-Suisse 2014-2020, European programme of cross-border cooperation in the context of MP#3 project, Romaeuropa Festival artistic residencies: Ostudio Roma, Théâtre Garonne – Scène européenne


Wednesday, April 20 2022, 7.30pm
Thursday, April 21 2022, 7.30pm
Friday, April 22 2022, 7.30pm
Saturday, April 23 2022, 7.30pm


© Andrea Pizzalis
© Andrea Pizzalis
© Andrea Pizzalis
© Andrea Pizzalis
© Andrea Pizzalis

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