Gabriele Devecchi, Diedro a parametri virtuali, 1969, Galleria Diagramma, Milano, photo by Enzo Nocera, courtesy Archivio Gabriele Devecchi
Arganto Gabriele Devecchi, Between Art & Design
April 4 2024, 6.30pm
Arganto. Gabriele Devecchi, Between Art & Design is a six-episodes podcast about Gabriele Devecchi (Milan, 1938 - 2011), an artist and designer, architect, goldsmith and lecturer, and heir to a silversmith shop founded by his father in Milan. The talk discusses the legacy of this extraordinary figure through the eyes of critics and designers.
Speakers include:
Alice, Giacomo and Matteo Devecchi, Devecchi Archive; Alberto Saibene, author; David Plaisant, journalist and podcast host; Francesca Picchi, design critic; Domenico Quaranta, curator, art historian and critic. Moderator: Marco Sammicheli, director of Museo del Design italiano at Triennale Milano.
The project is realized thanks to the support of the General Directorate for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture as part of Italian Council (12th edition, 2023).
The podcast was produced by the Gabriele Devecchi Archive, with general coordination by Alice, Giacomo and Matteo Devecchi, archive management is by Matteo Devecchi, author is Alberto Saibene, host is David Plaisant. International partners include Soda Gallery in Manchester and Muzei Suvremene Umjetnosti in Zagreb.